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what is the best introduction to philosophy textbook? quora


It started out every bit the ancient's beginning (and only) form of science. Everything we take today, biology, physics, economics, sociology, chemical science started out as philosophy.

This is why Sir Isaac Newton chosen himself a "natural philosopher", and titled the volume that describes the basic fundamental forces of physics as "Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy".

One by 1, as each branch of branch of philosophy accumulated more and more noesis, they separated and became their ain science.

This is why philosophy today seems empty and superseded in importance by science.

However, this is simply a false impression. Present philosophy tries to answer what science cannot (yet).

Who we are, why are we here, why do we know what nosotros know, and how to live life well are nevertheless cardinal questions that are yet yearning for an answer.

Introductory philosophy books for beginners

What does it all mean? A Very Short Introduction to Philosophy by Thomas Nagel

A short overview of the biggest philosophical bug in history, written in concise and piece of cake to sympathize language.,

Besides talks how these philosophical problems bear upon your life, including:

  • How Practise We Know Anything?
  • Other minds.
  • The Mind-Trunk Problem.
  • The Meaning of Words.
  • Complimentary Volition.
  • Right and Wrong.
  • Justice
  • Expiry
  • The Pregnant of Life.

Sophie'south World by Jostein Gaarder

An enjoyable introductory book for philosophy, written in a novel form.

Tells the story of Sophie, a fourteen-yr sometime teenager, who becomes the student of a famous philosopher.

Eventually, Sophie discovers something is amiss with the world she lives in and must use her newfound philosophical knowledge to uncover the truth and set things right.

A History of Western Philosophy by Bertrand Russell

Hands down the all-time history of philosophy book. Information technology is a 900 folio book containing summaries of all the most important Western philosophical ideas in history, as well as short biographies of many of import and famous Western philosophers.

The Pig that Wants to be Eaten and 99 other thought experiments past Julian Baggini

A short collection of philosophical idea experiments, riddles and other philosophical exercises.

These are designed to punish your brain and force it to think outside the box.

You'll obtain a deeper understanding on why some philosophical problems are so difficult to crack, and why there are no simple solutions.

An excellent volume for those who desire to devote more time to call back their way through philosophical issues.

Think past Simon Blackburn

An introductory book to philosophy that explores securely personal philosophical questions: Who am I? What is the world? Does god be? Practice I have a free volition?

In general, this book focuses most exclusively on philosophy of the heed, free will and religious philosophy.

The best & almost of import philosophy books ever written

Five Dialogues of Plato

"The safest full general label of the European philosophical tradition is that information technology consists of a series of footnotes to Plato" by Alfred Due north Whitehead

Plato wrote his philosophy in dialogue form, where his ideas and concepts were discusses and explained equally function of conversations betwixt various people.

Some of the concepts discussed include: immortality of the soul, what is the nature of gods, whether gods are worth worshipping or not, how to get virtuous and what happens after death.

Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle

Nicomachean Ethics is i of the well-nigh important books almost ethics.

Ethics is a philosophical field that seeks to explain what is the right or incorrect beliefs in a given situation.

Nicomachean Ethics explains that a person needs to live a balanced and virtuous life in order to reach eudaimonia,or happiness.

Showtime, a person must reach a state of inner balance and personal harmony. This is done by cultivating important character virtues, and by investing in one'southward education, reasoning and thinking.

Aristotle then explains how to build a good and virtuous graphic symbol. First, by learning which deportment are virtuous and which aren't. Then, by focusing on the creation of skilful habits that allow a good character to form.

The Republic by Plato

Is the just man happier than the unjust one?

This, amongst many others, is a central question of Plato's "The Republic", a major philosophical treatise in dialogue grade.

Other important topics in "The Republic" include how an ideal state should be organized, what makes people respect laws, and why philosophers make the ideal rulers of a state.

Meditations on First Philosophy by Rene Descartes

The consummate name of this work is: "Meditations on Showtime Philosophy in which the beingness of God and the immortality of the soul are demonstrated."

As the name implies, Rene Descartes sought to rationally and logically explicate why the soul exists, why the soul is immortal, and why God exists.

Modernistic philosophy is divided on whether he succeeded to definitively prove any of them.

However, Descartes turned philosophy upside down by proving that the ego, the mind, does exist with a uncomplicated phrase: I think, therefore I am.

Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Friedrich Nietzsche

This book tin be interpreted in many ways, but ane of the most common is that of breaking costless of oppressive behavior and norms that limit a person'southward true potential.

To break free, ane must become an Ubermensch (or Overman). Later breaking free, this Ubermensch replaces the old system of values with his ain organisation, one that encourages creativity, forcefulness, courage and cocky-fulfillment.

The biggest problem with Nietzsche'south philosophy however, is that information technology was captured past extremists and radicals who used information technology as justification to topple societies. Such was the instance with fascists and fifty-fifty communists who claimed they were the Ubermensch intent on rebuilding a new social club.

Philosophy of mind books

Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Gold Complect by Douglas Hofstader

Why is a homo brain intelligent and self-aware, while a puddle of water is not? Subsequently all, at an atomic level the two are similar in composition.

This volume explores how meaningless elements, (such as carbon, hydrogen etc.) form systems, and how these systems can then become self-aware through a process of self-reference.

The all-time example of self reference is the following passage:

If God is all-powerful, can he create a stone that is so heavy, not even he can elevator it?

Using these self-reference systems, Hofstader then coins the term "strange loop", where a procedure can start at Stage A, go through to Stage B, and then C, and so D, then E, only to suddenly arrive right back at Stage A and repeat itself over and over again.

Through diagrams, explained mathematical theorems, puns, wordplays and puzzles, Hofstader explains how intelligence and cocky-awareness takes shape inside the repeating stages of strange loops.

Menstruation – The Psychology of Optimal Experience by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

This book is usually categorized as a psychology volume, since its main ideas and arguments are built using modern, scientific methodologies. However, it answers an age onetime question from the fourth dimension of Socrates:  how to live well.

The master topic of this book are flow states. If yous've ever lost yourself in activity (such as games, painting etc.) you probably know what they feel similar.

In this book, Csikszentmihalyi explains how to enter period states for whatever kind of activity, but more importantly, how to turn your entire life into a continuous, satisfying flow state.

The Witting Mind by David Chalmers

Written in 1997, is ane of the most scientifically authentic and philosophically thorough books e'er written on the matter of consciousness and how it arises.

Chalmers distinguishes betwixt the "difficult" and "piece of cake" bug of consciousness. The hard problem is why humans take internal, conscious experiences while simple objects such as thermostats or wooden boxes practice not.

The "piece of cake" issues of consciousness mostly refer to how nosotros receive data (sight, smell, hearing), how we process it, the neurochemistry of emotions etc.

One of the most interesting ideas of Chalmers, is that he implies consciousness should be considered equally an inherent component of the earth, like time, infinite and matter.

New & Modern philosophy books

The Art of Strategy by Avinash Dixit and Barry Nalebuff

Game theory explores how individuals make choices that tin lead to profit or loss, when the upshot of their choice depends on the actions of another person they cannot control.

The quintessential case of this is the Prisoner's Dilemma: ii outlaws are caught by the constabulary, and interrogated separately so they tin't speak to each other.

If both outlaws remain silent and do not cooperate with the police, they both receive a 1 year sentence.

If outlaw A testifies against outlaw B, but outlaw B stays silent, then outlaw A goes costless, and outlaw B receives a three year sentence.

If both outlaws testify confronting each other, and so they both receive a 2 year sentence.

How 1 should navigate these situations is the primary object of game theory.

While information technology doesn't authorize every bit a strictly philosophical field, game theory helps sharpen i'southward listen, and brand better decisions when they accept imperfect information.

The Myth of Sisyphus by Albert Camus

The opening words of this book are: "There is but i truly serious philosophical problem and that is suicide".

Camus' philosophy is sometimes termed as "absurdism" or "existentialist", with the "Myth of Sisyphus" being peradventure the best existential philosophy book.

Humans, in their short lifespans, try to find the pregnant of their life, and also to seek order and understand the chaos around them.

The absurdity comes because the world itself is silent and does not say anything. It is as if ane tries to have a dialogue with nobody around to talk dorsum.

The only possible reply to the applesauce in this example is simply to live, equally much possible, and as beautifly as possible.

The Open up Society And Its Enemies by Karl Popper

A political philosophy book that passionately argues for the defense of liberal democracy and an open up society.

The principal statement of Popper is that likewise many philosophers and thinkers take been seduced by Plato'south ideas such every bit the "philosopher male monarch", and are too willing to accept and whitewash the possibility of a totalitarian authorities.

Popper besides explains how other thinkers such as Hegel and Marx laid the intellectual groundwork for the ideological, totalitarian and murderous regimes of the 20th century.

Stoic Philosophy Books

Meditations past Marcus Aurelius

Marcus Aurelius was i of Rome's greatest emperors, and also the ane who most clearly explained the principles of Stoicism and how these must exist applied to life.

The bones tenets of Stoicism say that anybody has a part to play in the chiliad scheme of Nature and Universal Reason.

Emotions are irrational, and thus can lead united states abroad from the purpose Nature gave united states of america.

As such, Stoics seek to notice emotional clarity and inner strength in their life, then they can fulfill the office Nature gave them.

In lodge to find emotional clarity, Stoics must learn to control and boss their emotions.

This emotional command applies both to "practiced" emotions (such as beloved) and "bad" emotions (hate). This is because emotions in general cloud our judgement and prevent u.s. from seeing the correct path Nature wants usa to walk on.

Stoicism and the Art of Happiness by Donald Robertson

A modern books about Stoicism, focused on Stoic practices and exercises you tin do to center mind and spirit and prepare yourself for the hardship that volition inevitably come into your life.

Discourses, Fragments, Handbook of Epictetus

Epictetus is the greatest thinker of Stoic philosophy, and the one who articulated the most important Stoic principles and ideas.

Epictetus left no written texts, notwithstanding his student Arrian wrote down everything Epictetus had to say during his courses.

The books contains the 4 surviving Discourses (out of eight that we know of), various fragments and also the Handbook, or Enchiridion.

The Enchiridion is a short summary of all the major Stoic ideas, and can be read on-the-go as a reminder of how a Stoic would arroyo each and any situation.

Political philosophy books

The Prince by Niccolò Machiavelli

Upward until Machiavelli, about people considered good leaders mostly needed to be honorable and virtuous, and that these two traits would help them make wise decisions.

Machiavelli turned this on its head, past claiming leaders were responsible for the prosperity and stability of their state. And sometimes, these objectives can merely be accomplished through immoral methods.

A must read book for anyone who wants to reach (or has reached) a position of authority and is responsible with getting things done.

The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith

All countries seek power, and ability is almost e'er measured in wealth and the forcefulness of a country'due south economy.

The brilliance of "Wealth of Nations" is that it shows how an economy is built from the ground upward, by small interactions betwixt people that build up over time, such every bit bartering, working for wages, renting, upper-case letter accumulation and more.

Even now, 250 years later, modern economic science is nonetheless congenital upon Adam Smith's piece of work.

Ultimately, "The Wealth of Nations" helps one understand the forces that bulldoze the world in general, as well as a person'due south life in item.

Up until the 18th century, the predominant political idea most countries were built upon was that kings and emperors were called past God himself to lead a country.

This had deep consequences for a order, since political leaders needed the Church to back them upward as "God appointed leaders", and and so they gave the Church building vast powers & wealth as a bribe to continue providing legitimacy to a ruler.

Likewise, disrespecting a ruler meant disrespecting God's will, a criminal offense severely punished.

The Social Contract proposed called-for this system entirely and replacing it with a new one: that only the people can give (and take) away legitimacy and power from rulers, and that rulers must use this power to govern for the welfare of people. This was the new Social Contract.

Christian philosophy books

Fear and Trembling by Søren Kierkegaard

A central theme Kierkegaard's philosophy is that doubting the existence of God leads to a self-defeating arroyo to life.

If God doesn't exist, then what is the practical significant of the earth effectually the states? Kierkegaard's answer is that without God the globe has no meaning, and that denying the being of God means denying the meaning of your own life and deportment.

Thus, God is essential to reach a point of true happiness and delectation with life.

However, to achieve true organized religion one must exist willing to exercise a leap in the night, to truly trust that God exists even when such ideals can seem absurd.

The Will to Believe by William James

The central idea is that in most situations belief must just be given afterwards testify has been provided, still this is not always the case in matters of faith and religion.

One reasons is that organized religion itself builds a connexion, through which 1 sends belief and also receives the benefits of the belief, according to the principle that one must get-go give in order to receive.

Throughout the grade of the book, William James explains how often times conventionalities and organized religion are the simply possible rational choices 1 can make regarding God'south existence.

Mere Apologetics: How to Aid Seekers and Skeptics Find Faith by Alister McGrath

Apologetics is the discipline of logically and rationally defending faith and conventionalities in God, every bit well as God'due south actions.

"Mere Apologetics" includes a broad array of arguments in favor of belief in God, ranging from rational arguments, to ones that appeal to the center and a person's imagination.

Philosophy of scientific discipline books

The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins

A volume that revolutionized biology. It shook up our understanding of who we are at a biological level and what is the true nature of human beings. As information technology turns out, our biology is a stronger motivator of behavior than we would assume.

Ultimately, both philosophy and biology seek to do same thing: explain the earth we alive in, and how information technology works.

Reading the "The Selfish Gene" is one of the closest you'll always get to see the "ghost in the auto" – the "deus ex machina", where the machine is the natural earth and humans in particular.

Past the cease of it, you'll understand why living things exercise what they practise, even when their behavior doesn't brand sense at an individual level.

You'll likewise learn how human civilisation tin be genetically transmitted across endless generations. This is a process that relies non on teachers, but on memes, a word that Dawkins invented.

The Big Moving picture by Sean Carroll

An aggressive work that gives a philosophical understanding to the Universe.

It explains the major discplines and forces of physics, how they came to be and how these collaborate with each other. More importantly, it seeks to understand the "why" of information technology all, the purpose of the Universe and where it is heading.

When it comes to physics, reality is much stranger than fiction. For instance, the laws of classical physics that govern large objects (from pebbles to planets to stars) break down at the quantum level (atoms, neutrinos, photons etc).

At the smallest concrete dimensions, particles kickoff to behave in means humans cannot yet empathize: a particle that is both a wave and a particle, a superposition where the particle can be in many places at one time and other curious phenomena.

Quantum Enigma: Physics Encounters Consciousness by Bruce Rosenblum and Fred Kuttner

Is physical reality created by our ascertainment of it?

Near every scientists says that no, reality exists independent of observation. The Moon is in that location even when you're not looking at it.

However, quantum physics seems to defy this basic dominion of nature and suggests that perhaps, just maybe, consciousness is what creates reality.

Is this actually the case, or is our understanding of quantum physics simply incomplete? Hard to say. Only what is certain is that quantum physics has mysteries that are central to understanding who we are.

All-time Eastern, Buddhist & Chinese philosophy books

What the Buddha Taught by Walpola Rahula

This book is mostly an overview of Buddhist philosophy, and surprises by how simple and rational it sounds.

Unlike other books well-nigh Buddhist philosophy, it does not seek to convince if a Buddhist idea is true or not. It merely explains the idea in clear and simple terms, so you can properly understand it.

If you simply seek a clear overview of Buddhist philosophy and nothing else, and then this is a great go-to philosophy book.

The Foundations of Buddhism by Rupert Gethin

A more complete overview of Buddhism that explains the history backside this philosophical faith.

Like all major religions, Buddhism itself is divided in many schools of idea, and each one has their own differing viewpoints on the key ideas of Buddhism and how to attain enlightenment, or nirvana.

Rupert Gethin goes over all of these difference and explains them, but without tiresome you with details.

Other things this book does is to bosom many myths and false beliefs about Buddhism that have been popularized in the Westward by people who know little most Buddhism.

Buddhism without Beliefs by Stephen Batchelor

This book is derived from Buddhist teachings, withal its purpose is to have you think and approach life like a Buddhist, but without believing in Buddhism as a faith or religion.

This works because Buddhism is ultimately closer to a philosophy rather than a organized religion, and the mindset and way of life it promotes tin can be adopted past whatever person, of whatever faith, be they convinced atheists, Christians, Muslims or any other believer.

Equally an example, this book even goes so far so equally to discourage belief in karma or reincarnation. which are core elements of Buddhism.

Instead, it encourages one to follow the more practical aspects, such equally life being suffering and how one can cope and overcome this suffering.

Tao Te Ching past Lao Tsu

The "Tao Te Ching" is i of the two foundational texts of Taoism, which comes from the word "tao" meaning "The Manner".

It is a very curt volume, totaling some 40 pages, and is written as an elegant poem that is at the same time both clear and cryptic in its explanations.

As philosophy, Taoism has no God or prophet, and has no ethical organization that encourages you behave in a certain way, as Christianity, Islam or Judaism does.

Instead, Taoism emphasizes how you can larn the rhythm of the Universe and follow it's period in everything y'all exercise.

Against the catamenia of the Universe leads to internal disharmony and unintended negative consequences.

Zhuangzi by Zhuangzi

The other foundational text of Taoism. This one is a much larger text, and explains how Taoism can be applied in everyday life through numerous anecdotes, stories and fables. These are about always humorous, but hide deeper pregnant the more yous think about them.

Often times, these stories are true thought experiments.

Ane of these is Zhuangzi dreaming he is a butterfly, only to wake up and realize he is homo. Still, what if he is actually a butterfly dreaming to be a man? If you lot cannot divide dream from reality, how do yous know which is which?

The Analects past Confucius

Analects means "selected sayings", and is arguably the nigh important book of Confucianism, and is by extension, a window into the Chinese civilisation and spirit.

As for the philosophy itself, Confucianism is different from Western philosophy in how it emphasizes family ties, and the collective over the individual.

For case, in one story, Confucius says that begetter and son must cover for each other when i does a criminal offence, in essence putting family values above the sense of justice. Confucianism also places great importance on cocky-learning equally the means to achieve a fulfilling life, and through it, how 1 tin contribute to society.
